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John Donovan’s objective is to work with individuals to empower them to accept accountability for their lives.


As the Men’s Recovery Director of West Coast Recovery Centers, John possesses extensive and diverse professional experience and expertise. He has served as a facilitator for Conflict Resolution Workshops at Folsom State Prison; offered community support to the homeless and mentally ill; and contracted with the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office facilitating Relapse
Prevention, Personal Development, and Intentional Living Groups with violent offenders and addicts for over 12 years.

Through a culmination of everything John has absorbed both professionally and personally, he employs a process of self-discovery dedicated to guiding others to a place where they, perhaps for the first time, acknowledge their intrinsic value as a human being. In turn, he offers them the tools necessary to live from that truth. John’s work centers around the belief that substance use disorder is not a moral issue but rather a belief and identity issue.


John shares his philosophy and speaks about his work with West Coast Recovery Centers.


International Presenter Experience

For the Adult Children of Alcoholics World Convention

2017 AWC

San Diego, CA

2018 AWC

Toronto, Canada

2019 AWC

Malmö, Sweden


Experience and Education 

1981 Completion of AA and AS Degree Sacramento City College.


1998, Certificate of completion, Drug and Alcohol Counselor, at Breining Institute, Sacramento.


1998, Completed Internship with TLCS, 270 hours of supervised work with MICA clients. (Mentally Ill and Chemically Addicted)


2001, Certified California Association of Drug and Alcohol Counselor, CADC.


1998, to June, 2003; Transitional Living and Community Support as a MICA Case Manager/Counselor. Responsibilities include running on average of 4 groups a week. Subjects from men’s groups to relationship groups, Creative Healthy Emotional Expression and Response, (Anger Management) and life skills group.


1995, to 2000; Alternatives to Violence Project, (nonprofit organization), 5 years as a facilitator for conflict resolution workshops at Folsom State Prison, at the old facility. Participated in 3 -5 workshops per year.


28 years clean and sober in 12 step program, AA, ACA, CoDA.


Completion 2001, of the MANALIVE, Accountability/Advocacy Batterers Re-Education Program. MANALIVE is a 52 week program.


2001, 2002; one year as facilitator for MANALIVE Stage One, two, ‘How to Stop My Physical/Verbal Violence’ @ Rio Consumnes Correctional Center. Three 3 hour classes per week.


March 2004, Participated in a four day, 12 hours/day workshop @ New Folsom Prison with a not for profit organization called Inside Circle. Goal of workshop was to break down barriers that prevented men for manifesting authentic self.


May, 2003 to June, 2015. Contracted with Sacramento Co. Sheriff’s Department. Facilitator for relapse prevention/Process groups and batterer re-education groups at Rio Consumnes Correctional Center. Six 3 hour groups per week. Contract expansion in 2006 to include, three, two hour groups at Sacramento County Jail, 601 ‘I’ Street to present. Contract expansion in 2008-2009, to include four, two hour groups with ankle monitor clients with CCAP Program. (Center for Correctional Alternative Programs), @ 4343 Williamsbourough Dr. in South Sacramento. Contract expansion in 2012, AB109 to include 5 two hour groups/wk in Personal Development, Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center, to present.


2009, Two day workshop, “Conflict Resolution”. Unity Church 9650 Folsom Blvd. Sacramento, CA.


2011 Two day workshop. Finding you Authentic Self. Authentic Men’s Counsel, Sacramento, CA.


2008, 2010, 2011, Accountability in Relationships, Tuesday’s 7-9:30pm for ten weeks. Center for Spiritual Awareness, West Sacramento, CA 95691. CEU’s offered at all workshops. BBS, CAADC.


September 1, 2015 to December 2017. Group facilitator at West Coast Recovery Centers, Personal Development, Cooperative Communication, Intentional Living and Process groups.


January 2018 to present. Drug and Alcohol Counselor and group facilitator at Choices For Recovery, located in Charlotte, NC.

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